20 Back to School Affirmations for a Productive Year

back to school affirmations for students

With many students heading to school either this month or in September, some are prepping with some back-to-school shopping while others are planning on how to make it the best school year yet. Starting a new school year is never easy — it can be a nerve-racking experience but it doesn’t always have to be that way. Getting into a positive mindset is the perfect way to set the tone for the rest of the school year. To help with that, using affirmations for the upcoming school year is a great place to start. Read on for a list of 20 back-to-school-inspired affirmations for the best school year yet.  

  1. I’m prepared for what’s to come, no matter how big or small it may be.
    It may be scary not knowing what’s coming your way — however, with this affirmation, you are proving to yourself that you can handle anything that can come your way.

  2. I’m smart enough.
    This one is quick and straight to the point. Because you are in fact smart — never underestimate your intelligence.

  3. I always ace all of my exams.
    Trust me, no one likes exams as they are pressuring and overwhelming. But, reminding yourself that you will do your best on every exam coming your way is a great way to start. Of course — by putting the effort into studying material seen in class.

  4. I always understand everything seen in class.
    Learning new things isn’t always easy especially when it comes to classes that require many material to memorize. Don’t underestimate your ability to retain the information learned in class.

  5. I always get good grades.
    Manifest getting all A’s this school year — the sky is the limit!

  6. I’m prepared.
    This is a great affirmation to use if doing a presentation in class or going into an exam.

  7. I’m organized.
    Reminding yourself that you’re organized when it comes to your classes, activities, and exams will lead to a productive school year.

  8.  I’m a dedicated and hardworking student.
    Procrastination is all in the past — only full dedication to school from here on out.

  9. I know my worth.
    Never let anyone make you question your worth. You know what you’re capable of.

  10. I put in my best effort daily.
    Finished an assignment that is due before its due date? Now that’s effort and dedication right there.

  11. I will ask for help when I need it.
    Don’t feel ashamed to ask for help if something doesn’t make sense or if you need reassurance — that’s how one learns best.

  12. It’s okay to take a break when it’s needed. 
    School is time-consuming and can get too much to handle from time to time. So, take that 30-minute break, you deserve it.

  13. I’m my own person, there’s no need to compare myself to others.
    Everyone has their own lives and goes at different paces — don’t compare yourself to others. You are living and creating your own life story.

  14. My mistakes help me grow into a better person. 
    We are all humans and we all make mistakes. Take your mistakes and turn them into life lessons to help you grow to become the best version of yourself.

  15. I’m always excited to learn new things. 
    Instead of dreading going to class, remind yourself that you are going to be learning new things (you may have not known before) and feeding your brain with new information.

  16. My future is bright.
    You may not see it now, but your educational career will lead you to where you need to be. It’s preparation for the future.

  17. I’m capable of meeting my goals.
    No goal is too big or small. Trust yourself.

  18. I get all my assignments done and in on time.
    Once again, there’s no room for procrastination this school year. Get your assignment done and then reward yourself with a coffee run, self-care night, or nap.

  19.  Grades don’t define me.
    A letter grade shouldn’t define your worth. Remember: you’re talented and intelligent — a grade shouldn’t take that away from you.

  20. This school year will be the best one yet. 
    Repeat that as much as you can. You got this!

    Are there any other school-related affirmations you use? Let us know in the comments!

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