25 Affirmations To Get You Through the Holiday Festivities

holiday affirmations

The holidays may seem like a joyful time of the year with all the decorations, lights, and music. But, for some, the holidays can be a rather overwhelming time. Anxiety may be experienced during this time due to different factors. Whether it’s because of gift shopping, finances, family, or how fast-paced everything is moving. There is a way to handle these different ranges of emotions. An idea would be to use affirmations. Using affirmations will not only help set your mind in a positive state but can help you push through any obstacle you may be facing during the holiday season. Here’s a list of affirmations to use in your day-to-day routine as the holidays quickly approach.

For gratitude:

It is always good to reflect on where you are at this point in time. Take a look around and express gratitude, whether it’s for yourself, loved ones, health, or other things. Value the things that are in your life, don’t take them for granted.

  • I’m grateful that I’m so loved.
  • I focus on the things I’m thankful for.
  • I’m thankful for the life I have.
  • I feel grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life.
  • With the gratitude I show, the Universe gifts me with positive blessings.

If feeling anxious:

Anxiety can emerge during the holidays. If you are in an uneasy state, pause and take a moment of yourself.  Your feelings are valid and you are able to overcome them.

  • I choose to let go of my stress to welcome the joy of the holiday season.
  • I choose peace over perfection.
  • I’m capable of confronting any obstacle that comes my way.
  • I’m in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose peace.
  • With every moment, I keep a calm and open heart.

For money concerns:

When it comes to the holiday season, finances can be a topic of concern for some people. However, trust yourself and know that you will make the right decisions. It is okay to treat yourself from time to time because holidays only come once a year. These experiences and memories are priceless.

  • I’m a magnet for prosperity.
  • Money flows to me in surprising and unexpected ways.
  • I trust my ability to manage my finances wisely.
  • Abundance flows to me effortlessly.
  • I release all worries about money, as it always comes to me effortlessly.

Put your well-being first:

It may be the time of giving but always be sure to put yourself first. Remove yourself from any negative situations that emerge. You are valuable and deserving of all the love and positive energy.

  • I choose to prioritize my well-being and happiness.
  • I choose to let go of any negative energy surrounding me.
  • My self-worth should not be determined by others.
  • I honor my needs and prioritize self-care.
  • I’m enough just as I am.

To use throughout the holidays:

From Christmas to New Year’s and other holidays, here are some general affirmations everyone can use on a daily basis over the course of the next few days and or/weeks.

  • My heart is open to giving and receiving joy.
  • I’m a beacon of light, I radiate my energy everywhere I go.
  • I’m present in the here and now, looking at everything with a positive lens.
  • I deserve all the love, joy, and abundance this holiday season.
  • I’m surrounded by the love and warmth the holiday season brings.

Main image by Thought Catalog

As always, Trend In Mag wishes you the happiest of holidays!

Remember: You and your feelings are valid.


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