10 Morning Routine Habits to Do to Start Your Day Off Right

morning routine habits

If your morning routine habits look like snoozing alarms, scrolling on your phone when waking up, and getting up late — you may want to switch it up. Creating a productive morning routine can be both beneficial and set a positive note for the rest of the day. With just a small change, certain habits can lead to the ultimate end goal — a productive morning routine. Here are some morning routine habits that are life-changing. And, won’t have you hitting that snooze button anymore.

1. Make the bed ASAP

Although it may not make a difference, this one quick habit can set the tone for the rest of the day. There’s no better feeling than seeing your sheets and pillows organized. It gets you thinking: “Wow, I did this one thing — so I can do pretty much anything.”

2. Open the shades for sunlight

Seeing the sunlight from windows can help wake up the brain. It gives the mind messages that it’s time to “wake up.” Also, seeing sunlight just puts you in that automatic feel-good mood.

3. Don’t look at your phone

This may be a hard one to do — as phones are a part of our lives 24/7. But, it is a great habit to incorporate. Looking at emails or social media pages in the morning can overstimulate your mind. It is too much information to process as the brain is just waking up. The only light needed in your morning routine is the sunlight from outside. Let the mind ease and wake up slowly — there’s time to process that information later in 30 minutes or an hour.

4. Drink a glass of water

After 8 hours of sleep, the body becomes dehydrated. To help the liquid loss from overnight, a glass of water will be ideal. It will help get the body going for the day as hydration is key for us humans. Water also helps boost metabolism by 30%, according to a research article here. Just make yourself a cup of water the night before — for easy access in the morning.

5. Practice gratitude

To get into that positive mindset, practicing gratitude can help make you feel empowered. Think about the things that you’re feeling thankful for. Like, your family, career, friends, and most importantly, for being alive. A journal can help keep track of these things — to look at again later and in still in your mind. There is something to feel thankful for every day, big or small.

6. Prepare a skincare routine — and stick with it

Sometimes, there may not be enough time to carve some morning TLC. But, even just a 5-minute routine can make all the difference. Choose skincare products that work for you — cleansers, toners, face washes, etc. Even slapping some quick eye masks or face masks can count as a skincare routine. This will hydrate your face because, besides the body, your face also needs some H20.

7. Make a to-do list for the day

Mentally taking note of what needs to be done during the day may be a safe option. However, our minds are a machine and constantly on the go, so it can be easy to forget certain tasks needed for the day. Grab a piece of paper or pull up the Notes app, and make yourself a to-do list of things to get done. It can help plan the day accordingly and keep organized.

8. Meditate

Take in the quietness of the early morning. Sit up either on the bed, floor, or chair — then, close your eyes. Clear the mind of any negativity or stress that has been affecting you. Listen to the sound of your breathing and take small breaths by exhaling and inhaling. This can be done in 5 minutes or a longer session like 30 minutes — just plan accordingly.

9. Move your body

Exercise is important in terms of health. There are many choices to help move the body after being in a still position. Yoga can be an option — it is an activity that has slow movement and stretching. It can definitely help move stiff muscles and get the body to wake up. YouTube and other social media platforms have quick videos for a 5-minute yoga routine. Also, simple stretching — without a video — is a big help. Other options can be going for a quick walk or run, it’s completely up to everyone’s lifestyle. Any movement you do, your body will be thanking you later.

10. Make yourself breakfast

As the saying goes, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” The body needs nutrients whether it’s through fruit, scrambled eggs, smoothies, juices, or oatmeal. Feeding the body is important because, without it and water, the brain will be in a foggy, unfocused state. Carve out sufficient time to make a meal in the morning.

Main image by Laura Chouette

Will you be doing any of these morning habits? Let us know in the comments!

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