50 New Year’s Affirmations to Make 2024 Your Year

new years affirmations

As we reflect on this first week of the year, now is the time to start coming up with yearly resolutions and goals — if you haven’t done so already. To carry a positive mindset for the rest of 2024, affirmations can help motivate and push you toward success. With 11 more months of the year ahead of us, read on for these 50 New Year’s affirmations to use to make 2024 your year.

To attract happiness:

Happiness is the root of achieving your accomplishments in the new year. With happiness, you become uplifted and have a positive mindset perspective. Here are some affirmations to use to attract happiness:

  • Every day is a new opportunity for happiness, and I am committed to finding joy in the little moments of life.
  • As I welcome the new year, I let go of negativity and make room for a heart filled with gratitude and happiness.
  • I find joy in every step I take.
  • I attract joy, vibrant energy, and laughter in the coming year.
  • I release negativity, making room for gratitude and happiness.
  • I am the architect of my happiness.
  • I choose happiness daily.
  • I radiate joy to those around me.
  • I am a magnet for joyful experiences in the new year.
  • I choose joy as my constant companion in 2024.

To attract abundance:

By aligning your mindset with the abundance that surrounds you, you can create a magnetic force that draws prosperity into every aspect of your life. Here’s some affirmations to attract abundance:

  • I am a magnet for prosperity and abundance.
  • Abundance flows easily and naturally into my life.
  • I am open to receiving the wealth that the universe has in store for me.
  • I am a money magnet, and prosperity is drawn to me.
  • I am in complete control of my financial success.
  • My positive energy attracts financial opportunities into my life.
  • I release any fear or doubt about my ability to achieve financial success.
  • Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied.
  • I am worthy of all the good things that life has to offer.
  • My thoughts are aligned with prosperity, and my life is filled with abundance.

Bring success to your life:

We want nothing but success in 2024. To ensure we reach our goals, these affirmations can help you on your journey to success:

  • My mindset pushes me toward constant success.
  • Each step I take leads me to constant success.
  • I trust my ability to create the life I desire, inviting success.
  • Success flows to me effortlessly with positivity and determination.
  • A destiny built with positive choices ensures lasting success.
  • 2024 will be my year of success.
  • Confidence guides effortlessly to success.
  • With each passing day, I am achieving greater heights of success and fulfillment.
  • In every endeavor, I radiate confidence and attract the success I deserve.
  • I attract success effortlessly.

Manifest love/self-love:

Whether you’re looking to bring a new relationship into your life or looking to practice self-love — these affirmations will help manifest love or self-love in 2024:

  • I attract genuine and fulfilling connections
  • I radiate love.
  • I am open to love’s magic in 2024.
  • Love flows effortlessly into my life.
  • I am worthy of uplifting love.
  • I attract like-minded souls into my life.
  • I release self-judgment and accept that I am enough as I am.
  • I embrace my flaws and speak to myself with kindness.
  • I radiate love and positivity from within.
  • I choose to let go of self-criticism and embrace self-compassion.

To attract good health:

Embracing a positive mindset is a key element in having good health. Transform your daily thoughts and beliefs with these affirmations designed to attract and manifest a life of vitality, strength, and overall well-being:

  • I choose to nourish my body with healthy foods and positive thoughts.
  • Every day, in every way, I am getting healthier and stronger.
  • I am worthy of a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.
  • Every breath I take fills me with healing energy and vitality.
  • I am grateful for the vibrant health that flows through every cell of my body.
  • My body is a temple, and I treat it with love, respect, and care.
  • I release any tension, stress, or illness, and invite wellness into my life.
  • I am a magnet for good health, and my immune system is strong and resilient.
  • My body is a powerhouse of wellness, and I am grateful for the energy it provides me every day.
  • I honor my body’s signals and give it the rest, exercise, and nutrition it deserves.

Main image by Sixteen Miles Out

Which one is an affirmation you will be using?

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